All about the numbers?
Just read here that mySpace-related searches account for 8% of all Google searches and 5% of total internet search traffic!!
"Little wonder, then, why a search and advertising powerhouse like Google wants a piece of the action given that MySpace generates more than 8.5% of all Google's traffic and 5% of all general Internet searches, according to Hitwise. The billion-dollar question nagging at News Corp. executives is how to enter an alliance with the likes of Google and not lose control."
Is this why Marketers are currently in a frenzy to enter these arenas? To get a piece of the action by reaching vast amounts of visitors? Is it the sheer numbers that are drawing everyone's attention to social media, podcasting, and consumer generated content?
I think it is only a tiny piece of the puzzle. There has to be more to the attention these media are receiving than just, "they have come, now you build it". (the opposite of "if you build it they will come").
Speaking of "if you build it they will come" -- isn't that way of thinking one of the main contributors to the dot-com bubble burst??
They had the "who" and the "what" down fairly well. No one ever addressed the "why" and thus failed in the end to become viable businesses.
Those are just some thoughts on that way of thinking, which IMHO is deeply flawed.