This blogging thing is as tough as some say it is
I have committed the first sin of blogging- not posting frequently to maintain an active and engaged audience! When I set this blog up I thought there would be plenty of time in my day to write an entry, and like anything else that is worth doing in the world, the time is not there unless you make it.
I thought I would get back to the original idea that made me create this blog. As a higher education professional (and also a citizen of the 21st century) I had an aha! moment. I realized the information world was being flipped on its head. The real information age is just beginning, we are just starting to realize some of the benefits, and pitfalls, of such a world.
Many thought the Internet bubble/burst was the "internet revolution". I now look at it a pre-revoolution period that set the stage for what we are beginning to see now.
An incredible display of this is when I wanted a generic news update on the Mars probe missions, and expecting a bland discussion and maybe a couple of photos, I got this surprise !!
I think the example above illustrates that as technology folks building some of this stuff, we need to be aware that serving our audiences needs does not mean merely meeting their expectations of what they want to find on our site. Serving the audience means much more now, because sometimes the audience doesn't even know what it needs when they get to your site.
Sometimes a visitor thinks they need a news report, when in reality they really just need Martian clouds.
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